April 2017: Common Rock Thrush, new for Burkina Faso
17 avr. 2017 [JBr]Two expeditions to study the relationships between birds and trees in the Sahel, especially palearctic migratory birds, visited Burkina Faso in Jan-Feb 2016 and Niger in Nov-Dec 2016. The expeditions were executed on behalf of BirdLife The Netherlands by consulting firm Altenburg & Wymenga (Jan van der Kamp, Rob Bijlsma, Leo Zwarts and in Niger for the first half Housseini Issaka). As a result 1122 records from Niger were added to the WABdaB, including four records of Eurasian Wryneck and five of Striped Kingfishers, which show that these species do indeed winter in the southern Niger. The 237 records added for Burkina Faso include the first record for the WABDaB of Splendid Sunbird, and the first record for Burkina Faso of Common Rock Thrush (details are being sought). One or more observations from 32 new blocks in Burkina and 3 new blocks in Niger were added.
Redigé: 2017-04-17 [JBr]